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It’s not just beaches that are swathed in sunshine over the summer. Give the Mediterranean’s turquoise shores a miss this year and check out these 5 unusual but rewarding summer holiday destinations.

When summer hits, it’s easy to head straight for the whitest beach you can find. While sun, sea and sand is a holiday cocktail made in heaven, stepping away from the shoreline can lead you to some beautiful, off-the-beaten track destinations you never even knew existed.

Let us inspire your next summer holiday with these six unique and off-beat destinations that guarantee you a summer holiday to remember…


1) Bankso, Bulgaria

A skiing resort in winter and a lush, green mountainous town in summer, Bankso is where hiking, cycling and good food combine to create the perfect summer holiday.

Reaching highs of 28°C during July and a pleasant 23° throughout September, it’s the perfect temperature to be active and enjoy the great outdoors – without getting hot and sweaty.

Climb the beautiful Pirin mountain range, sample speciality wines in the charming village of Melnik and relax by the gorgeous glacial Bunderitsa Lakes. Paradise!

Join us on a summer holiday to Bankso



2) Bovec, Slovenia

Slovenia might not spring to mind when you picture your ideal summer holiday, but the serene mountain town of Bovec is beautiful enough to convert even the most dedicated sun-worshipper.

Cradled by the peaks of the Julian Alps and cut through with bright-turquoise rivers, it’s a popular spot for watersports enthusiasts and adrenaline-junkies looking for their next thrill. Spend your summer riding one of Europe’s longest and fastest ziplines, rafting your way down raging rapids and cycling through unspoilt nature.

The sun shines here too! With temperatures reaching 21°C in September, it’s an ideal climate for an activity-fuelled summer holiday.



3) Flåm, Norway

The Norwegian village of Flåm is what fairy-tales are made of. Sitting amongst staggering fjords and surrounded by lush greenery, the village is a scene straight from a children’s illustration book.

Be sure to board the main attraction: a stunning mountain railway that creeps up the surrounding peaks to offer astounding panoramic views.

Although relatively remote, Flåm’s beauty hasn’t gone unnoticed. This means that the village can get quite busy during summer, but September is a much quieter month to visit. 

Join us on a summer holiday to Norway and Flåm



4) Umbria, Italy

A summer holiday isn’t a summer holiday without amazing food – and that’s exactly what the Italian region of Umbria offers.

Situated away from the beach in the rugged, green heart of Italy, this is a region that’s known for its medieval hilltop towns, dense forests and delicious cuisine – including foraged truffles and wine.

For a summer holiday with a difference, head off the beaten track to the ancient town of Trevi and go truffle hunting through the forest while soaking up the gorgeous Italian sunshine.

Join us on a summer holiday to Trevi



5) Chefchaouen, Morocco

Nestled in the heart of Morocco’s Rif mountain range, Chefchaouen’s blue-washed buildings easily make it prettiest city in Morocco – and a perfect place for escaping the crowds this summer. The high altitude doesn’t mean it’s chilly; temperatures can reach as high as 28°C during September!

Put your camera to good use in the narrow, winding streets of the old medina, and get lost on your hunt for traditional trinkets and treasures. The city also has easy access to beautiful hiking trails, so you can breathe in that fresh mountain air whenever you need it.

We hope we’ve inspired you to think outside the box on your next summer holiday! Whatever sort of summer holiday you’re looking for, you’ll find it with us. Browse our full selection today.

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