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Why Visit North Cyprus?

Since its separation in the seventies from the southern, Greek-identifying division of Cyprus, North Cyprus has managed to keep its miraculous beauty and heritage intact. A rare Mediterranean gem of empty, unspoilt beaches, sleepy villages and archaeological ruins, North Cyprus presents modern-day tourists with a tantalisingly different destination full to the brim with natural wonders and old-world charm.





Discover North Cyprus

Take A Walk Off The Beaten Track In North Cyprus

North Cyprus may be small, but what it lacks in size it certainly makes up for in its beauty. This lesser known Turkish side of the Mediterranean island is awash with white-sand beaches and picturesque harbours and is also home to the world’s only divided capital, split in half by the island’s semi-permeable border. It is perfect for walking too, with its picturesque landscapes.

Pretty Harbours & History Of North Cyprus

Take a stroll beside the picturesque harbours, dotted with Gulets – a traditional Turkish vessel – and plenty of lively shops and delicious restaurants. The history of Cyprus is confusing to some but in summary, back in 1974 a group of Greek military aimed to unite the island with mainland Greece but instead led to a Turkish invasion which divided the Turkish Northern Cyprus with the Greek Cypriot Republic of Cyprus in the south. Cyprus remains divided to this very day!

Holidays to North Cyprus

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