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Get ready to discover Israel! Our exclusive solos Bibleland tour to Israel departs next year, but this trip is very popular among the best ‘bucket list’ holidays. Take a look at our itinerary to find out exactly what we’ll be getting up to!

Our Itinerary for Bibleland – Israel

Day 1

Our Tour Leader will welcome you to spectacular Israel! Upon arrival at Ben Gurion International Airport, we’ll collect out luggage and transfer to our hotel in Jerusalem. After check-in at our hotel, we have some free time to relax or explore the beautiful city of Jerusalem.

In the evening we will meet for a welcome drink and dinner at our hotel.

Day 2

After breakfast we will catch a glimpse of the Shrine of the Book, part of Israel Museum, home to the famous Dead Sea Scrolls. Later we will visit the beautifully renovated model of the Herodian city of Jerusalem, dating back to the time of the Second Temple. In the afternoon, we will drive to the picturesque ancient village of Ein Karem, considered the traditional birthplace of John the Baptist.

Later we will see Yad Vashem, the memorial to the six million Jews who were killed in the Holocaust before continuing our tour to Bethlehem – the birthplace of Jesus at the Church of the Nativity and Manger Square.

Day 3

On our third day, we will enter the Old City of Jerusalem where we will see the Western Wall and the actual site of the Second Temple, the Temple Mount. We will walk the Way of the Cross, the Via Dolorosa, to Calvary and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, housing both the traditional site of Crucifixion and the Tomb of the Resurrection. Later we will enjoy the spectacular panoramic view of Jerusalem from atop the Mount of Olives. Jerusalem is the holy city for each of the world’s three great religions – Christianity, Judaism and Islam. We will continue our tour and visit the Garden of Gethsemane where Judas betrayed Jesus before visiting Mahane Yehuda Market – a must see in Jerusalem!

Tonight, we will experience an authentic Shabbat dinner in the heart of Jerusalem.

Day 4

Today’s the day we leave Jerusalem and drive north passing by Jericho – the oldest city in the world! We will travel through the Jordan Valley to Beit She’an and visit the excavations of this beautifully preserved Roman City. Later we will proceed to Nazareth and visit the Church of the Annunciation. Then we will continue to Safed, the city of the Kabala also known as centre of Jewish mysticism and visit its beautiful streets.

We’ll then spend the next couple of nights in Galilee.

Day 5

After a good night’s rest, we will drive to the area of Golan Heights, passing by the Druze villages. Later we will enjoy an Israeli wine country experience, surrounded by breath-taking views. We will become acquainted with the collection of fine and rare wines and get a chance to taste some. Later we will proceed to Capernaum and visit the ruins of the ancient synagogue, the Mount of Beatitudes. Then we will stop by Tabgha, where the miracle of the fish and bread took place before continuing to Tiberias for a short tour of the old centre of Jewish learning.

We can join an optional tour and sail across the Sea of Galilee to experience the tranquillity and scenery little changed during the past 2,000 years!

Day 6

Today we will head towards Tel Aviv, stopping at the coastal city of Acre for a visit of the old, famous Crusader stronghold and medieval fortifications. Later we will continue to Haifa, for a panoramic sightseeing tour of the city, including the Baha’i Shrine, Persian Garden and Haifa Bay. Next, we will proceed southwards to Caesarea and visit Roman Theatre and the Crusader Fortress which is known as the masterpiece of Herod the Great.

Later we will continue to Tel Aviv for a short city tour and the ancient port of Jaffa.

Day 7

Our penultimate day is yours to explore.  We can spend day exploring beautiful Tel Aviv on our own or go on an optional tour to Masada and the incredible Dead Sea.

Day 8

Unfortunately, this is our last day, and after breakfast we’ll say out goodbyes and depart for the airport.

If you fancy indulging in some of the richest history and religious sites, then click here for more information.

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