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Our Friendly Team Of Experts

Hannah - General Manager

Hannah has been working in travel since she left university! After discovering Solos, Hannah realised she’d found a travel sector that she could truly make a difference in. Being a mum of three kids and one handsome dog - they keep her as busy as Solos! Hannah loves our team and enjoys nothing more than chatting with us all in the office, whether it's about the holidays we're managing or our upcoming weekends. She also enjoys arguing about our favourite football teams. Hannah is a Spurs fan!

Agi - Commercial & Aviation Executive

Agi's worked in the travel industry for over 17 years. At Solos her main role is to ensure that our booking systems and website are fully functional, troubleshooting problems when they arise. Agi also assists with the finance department and the customer relations team. When she's not working, Agi loves throwing herself into various adventures and activities with friends. Agi's daughter keeps her fit through her love of outdoor activities!

Darren - Product & Commercial Manager

Darren has worked in travel for the past 35 years for many well known tour operators such as Falcon Holidays, SunWorld and Thomas Cook. Darren has worked at Solos for over 6 years, where he enjoys managing and creating all of the lovely holidays that we provide for our fantastic guests. His favourite overseas destinations are Spain, Greece and Italy, however he does love a staycation and has enjoyed many holidays here in the UK! In Darren's spare time, he coaches and manages a youth football team and is a heavy metal music fan!

Graham - Operations & Compliance Manager

Graham started working at Solos in 2016 but has worked in the travel industry for the last 18 years. At Solos, he works in the operations team and oversees everything customer related. At home, his two girls keep him on his toes, where he is an expert in anything Peppa Pig or Gruffalo related. His favourite holiday destination would be any of the Greek islands, where he can relax in a taverna after a day in the sun, enjoy a meze and a cold beer. In his spare time, Graham watches cricket and football and confesses to being a long suffering Arsenal fan!

Nadia - Sales Manager

Nadia started off at Going Places as a travel advisor many moons ago at the age of 18 and then had a successful career with TUI for 15 years where she experienced many different countries as well as cruises and Long Haul product. Nadia's favourite destination is Canada because of the beautiful scenery, the people and Whistler was also the first place she got to ski, so holds great memories for her! Nadia loves delivering great service by offering advice and support to all of our lovely clients. In her spare time she loves going to the gym, drinking too much and buying pretty things!

Lucy - Sales Advisor

Lucy has worked in travel for 8 years, including being cabin crew for EasyJet and working at STA Travel. Her favourite place is New York, although Florence in Italy is a close second! Drop her in any city with lots of history, culture, good food and wine and she's a happy girl! Lucy loves talking to people about travel and all the wonderful places there is to see in this world. Being able to create amazing holidays for people she finds really rewarding! In her spare time, Lucy loves reading and cooking. She also loves to get out into the countryside - nothing beats a long walk and fresh air!

Natalia - Sales Advisor

Natalia has worked in travel for the past 7 years, and has previously worked at Co-Op Travel before moving to Solos. She has so many favourite destinations but loves Thailand for its tranquil beaches, exotic cuisine and beautiful temples. She also favours the Greek Islands, in particular the island of Zakynthos, she says it is a home away from home! Natalia loves sharing her own personal travel experiences with our customers, providing helpful tips and ideas for their own adventures. Natalia enjoys shopping, tanning and trying new cocktails. Her favourite being anything gin related!

Kate - Senior Marketing Executive

Kate has worked in travel for a number of years. She grew up in the cruising industry which is where her passion for travelling emerged. Kate loves creating our marketing communications with the wider marketing team and getting creative with the marketing material, to produce exciting and engaging content for people to become inspired. Kate still has so many places on her bucket list including Asia & South Africa but so far her favourite destinations would have to be Venice in Italy and Mexico in South America!

Alice - Marketing Assistant

Alice has always loved travelling! She has been lucky enough to visit lots of amazing places but a personal favourite of hers is the Caribbean beaches of Antigua. Alice feels travel is something we all need, both to recharge our batteries but also grow as individuals – after all they say travel is the one thing you buy that makes you richer! She loves talking with all of our customers – they teach her so much. Alice believes that Solos is so much more than a travel company, it's somewhere people meet new friends and have great times travelling together!

Janie - Director

Janie is a highly experienced Managing Director and Customer Service specialist with over 28 years' experience in the travel industry, having previously worked with well-established companies including TUI, The Real Experience Group and Specialist Journeys. Janie joined Long Travel as Managing Director in February 2018 and has overall responsibility to develop and implement business strategies across the group to achieve our long-term objectives and business growth.

Stewart - Director

With 25 years’ experience gained across a diverse range of businesses including Prudential PLC, Lloyds of London, Eurostar and Virgin, Stewart has built a strength in high growth and entrepreneurial environments. His background in operations and sales & marketing provides an essential skill set for an investor. He is most definitely at his best finding innovative solutions to the problems faced by fast-growing companies.

Our Reviews

“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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