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Top 8 World Heritage Sites to discover this summer


Come across the term ‘World Heritage Site’ and you know you’re onto a good thing. Recognised by UNESCO for their cultural, historical or scientific importance, these protected areas and landmarks have a lasting impression—especially when you’re witnessing them for the first time with travellers who share your thirst for knowledge and adventure.

Wherever possible, we incorporate them into our itineraries, giving our explorers the chance to experience these revered places first-hand. These are the sites to seek out if you’re looking to get ‘under the skin’ of a place. Because every site has a story…

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So, what are the top World Heritage Sites to have on your list this summer? Find out below!




Strasbourg—Grande Île in France 

Experience this medieval European city, showcasing diverse architectural styles and cultural influences across centuries.

Stroll through its enchanting beauty on our ‘Villages & Vineyards of Alsace’ tour








Old City of Dubrovnik in Croatia 

Listed for its exceptionally preserved medieval walls, architectural beauty, and historical significance as a major maritime trading hub.

Drop anchor here on our private chartered boat on the ‘Croatia Sailing Solos Exclusive’ adventure




Bodrum Turkey St Peters Castle



Bodrum Castle (Castle of St. Peter) in Turkey

This prime example of medieval architecture in the eastern Mediterranean played a historical role in regional defence.

Experience it during a week at our exclusive beachfront Beyaz Suite Hotel 




tallinn estonia


Tallinn’s Old Town in Estonia

The medieval Old Town of Tallinn is renowned for its beautifully preserved medieval architecture, historical buildings and cobblestone streets.

Wander the Old Town’s quaint narrow streets on our epic group tour of ‘The Baltics of Helsinki, Tallinn and Riga’








Old Town of Corfu in Greece 

Corfu Town’s UNESCO status recognises its rich history reflected in the charming old town, Kastropolis, with narrow streets, elegant mansions, and historic landmarks.

See the sights during our ‘Corfu Solos Exclusive’ holiday





Masai Mara Game Reserve


The Great Rift Valley in Kenya

The Great Rift Valley has an extraordinary biodiversity and ecological significance, renowned for the annual migration of millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other incredible species.

Experience this remarkable place on our Kenya Safari Adventure & Beach trip.







Florence (Cradle of the Renaissance) in Italy

Florence is recognised for its unparalleled cultural and historical significance as a centre of Renaissance art, architecture, and intellectual thought.

Take a guided walking tour through the sensational sights on our ‘Treasures of Tuscany‘ trip this summer





Travel through time exploring these historical gems with Solos.

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“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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