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Each year we host a summer of unforgettable ClubSolos holidays. Our established Tour Leaders in resort ensure that each guest’s sun-filled escape is seamless and fun.

If you’re considering some early summer sun, we already have your ClubSolos Tour Leaders lined up – and they can’t wait to welcome their first groups! Here is who you could be joining in May…



ClubSolos Corfu

Monica Tigani

Being a Tour Leader is the best job in the world as it combines my two loves – people and travel. ClubSolos Corfu is one of my favourite places and I love making sure our guests have the best holiday experience they can. On a ClubSolos trip everyone looks after each other and we have many repeat clients in Corfu.

I’ve got many highlights from my time with Solos but on my first trip one couple struck up a great friendship. Although they lived 200 miles apart they kept in touch and are now engaged. I love it when guests keep in touch – I always feel that they arrive as guests and leave as friends.  


ClubSolos Crete

Jane Doncaster

I have been working as a Tour Leader for Solos for the last 16 years. Before that I was an HR director at a PR company. Although I enjoyed my job, it was hectic and didn’t give me enough time to see the world! I had always dreamt of travel, experiencing different cultures and meeting new people and working with Solos has enabled me to do that. It has been an amazing adventure and I’ve met many wonderful guests over the years with whom I have been reunited with on subsequent Solos holidays. 

Every year Solos guests return to Crete. This isn’t just because it’s a beautiful island with amazing history and beaches, but because of the warmth and hospitality of the Iraklis family, who own and run the property in Gouves. When I’m there I feel like I’m ‘home.’ 



ClubSolos Santorini

Ros Murray

I can’t wait to lead ClubSolos Santorini guests this summer! Villa Maistrali is a lovely property offered exclusively for Solos customers and it’s always a pleasure to welcome new and repeat guests. There is a terrific support network to make everyone feel at ease and the vibe at the villa is very much about fun, laughter, caring, sharing and comfort.

This summer is my seventh season in sunny Santorini. Most rewarding for me is meeting groups with such a diverse range of personalities and interests and weaving them together. Friendships are forged and maintained – even with me!



ClubSolos Zakynthos

James Cadby

I’ve always enjoyed travelling and exploring interesting places but most of all I enjoy meeting people and making new friends. Working as a Tour Leader for Solos has been one of the best experiences of my life. Every day is different and fun. Before becoming a Tour Leader, I was a Solos guest myself and I enjoyed many great holidays with fantastic groups. I have fond memories of them all. 

Zakynthos is such a beautiful island and Angela Studios, in Alykanas, is a great location to either chill or explore Zakynthos. Last year, at the end of the season, I was sad to leave! I am looking forward to returning next month and welcoming new and old faces.



ClubSolos Montenegro & Sailing Greece

Andy Wilson

I have been travelling with Solos Holidays for a while now and can’t wait to host our brand new ClubSolos Montenegro holidays and ClubSolos Sailing holidays in Greece this summer. I am passionate about all aspects of travel… the preparation, the logistics, the destination, the anticipation, the excitement of being there and ultimately the people with whom you share those experiences.   

Life is often complicated and holidays should be the exact opposite – an opportunity to escape routine, rejuvenate, explore and relax and have fun. Clubsolos is a great concept that delivers exactly that. Our intimate, family owned properties couldn’t be more different to the large resort hotels that are full of strangers. The hotel is yours and that is a big plus. What’s the rush? 


If you want to join one of our fantastic Tour Leaders and are considering some early summer sun, take a look at all our exclusive use properties here >>

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Our Reviews

“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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