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Our wide selection of holidays means that we work with lots of wonderful Tour Leaders. We’d like to introduce you to Ros, one of our ClubSolos Tour Leaders. Here she shares her previous experiences on ClubSolos holidays and what she anticipates summer 2021 will have in store for ClubSolos Santorini. 

Meet our ClubSolos Tour Leader Ros


My names Ros and I can’t wait to lead ClubSolos Santorini this summer! I missed it last year, but I still managed to get away for my holiday ‘fix’! It’s always a pleasure to welcome new and repeat customers to Villa Maistrali – a lovely property exclusively for Solos customers, which creates its own vibe of fun, laughter, caring, sharing, comfort and security!

Those venturing to travel on their own for the first time may experience doubts, churning stomachs and may pose the question – what have I let myself in for? The answer – a fabulous opportunity to meet like-minded travellers and relax in the sun! You’ll get to visit places of interest, such as nearby traditional villages, the volcano, museums (including one dedicated to the Santorini tomato – I’m not kidding!), the fascinating archaeological site at Akrotiri (dubbed the Pompeii of the Aegean) and of course the wow factor of the famous Santorini sunset! There is also an extensive range of bars and eateries to cater to all of our pallets.

My favourite moments are when everyone enjoys the holiday, when expectations are met or surpassed or when a decision is reached for the next trip – just to name a few. The best however, and not necessarily restricted to ClubSolos, is when ‘doubters’ bite the bullet and travel, quickly realising they’re in a non-threatening environment, love every minute and on occasion ask to extend their stay where possible!

2021 is going to be my 6th season in sunny Santorini, where there is a terrific support network to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable. I have visited some wonderful places (which is such a privilege) on different categories of trips, from Discovery Tours to Costa Rica, Cuba and Vietnam, to city breaks as well as Christmas breaks, Sun Holidays and walking weeks.

Ultimately however, the most rewarding factor is meeting such a diverse range of personalities and interests and weaving them together. Many friendships are forged and maintained – even with me!

I can’t wait to see you in Santorini!

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Our Reviews

“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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