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With such a huge selection of holidays, we are privileged to work with lots of wonderful Tour Leaders. We’d like to introduce one of our ClubSolos Tour Leaders, James, who has led many of our tours over the last three years. Here he talks about leading our wonderful ClubSolos holiday to Zakynthos last year and what he hopes next summer will have in store. 

Meet our ClubSolos Tour Leader James

Hi, my name is James and I have worked as a Solos Tour Leader for the last three years. I’ve always enjoyed travelling, visiting interesting places – but most of all meeting people and making new friends. I love being a Tour Leader. Every day is different and fun. Working for Solos has been one of the best experiences of my life. Before I became a Tour Leader, I was a guest enjoying a lot of Solos holidays around Europe. These were great holidays, and all the groups were fantastic. I have very fond memories of them all. 

The last tour I hosted was a Party Weekend in Stratford upon Avon which was brilliant! After we had a fantastic meal and most of the evening was spent dancing the night away and having fun. I even got to show off a couple of my signature dance moves! The Party and Dinner Dance weekends are always good fun. 

Last year I hosted ClubSolos in Zakynthos. This is such a beautiful island, Angela Studios, in Alykanas is a great location to either chill out or explore Zakynthos more. I loved working the summer season with a great bunch of guests every week. I have to admit I was a bit sad to leave, but I am looking forward to going back next year! 

There have been so many highlights from all the tours I have led – I don’t know where to begin. Every week at the welcome meeting I’d ask the guests what they would like to do and suggest some of the excursions – that’s the great thing about Solos – you can do as much or as little as you want! The most popular was the around the island boat trip to see the Shipwreck Beach, turtles and (if we’re lucky) dolphins. Another trip was sunset dinner at a taverna called Fioro Tou Levante, which is quite high up in a village called Ano Gerakari. It has a stunning sunset view and we can see as far north as the Blue Caves and as far south as Turtle Island. It’s a great way of spending the evening before we get picked up and taken back to Alykanas to enjoy cocktails!  

On all the tours that I have hosted where we’ve been on coach trips, I’ve never lost any guests. However, I did come close to losing one guest a few years back in Lincoln. Luckily, I managed to track him down…  in Ann Summers! I am certain it was the group playing a trick on me as they were all laughing amongst themselves when I got back on the coach! 

As you’ve probably guessed already, my favourite destination is Greece. I really like exploring and I can’t get enough of their history and mythology. The Greeks are very hospitable. They love entertaining and the food is fabulous. I have to admit that I’ve been to a lot of Greek nights with Solos guests and had a great time. 

Because this summer was affected by lockdown, I think everyone is looking forward to holidaying abroad in the future. I know our hotel and apartment owners have made preparations in line with Covid-19 guidelines with a view to putting people’s minds at rest and keeping everyone safe.  

I hope to meet you all very soon on a future Solos trip. 

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“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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