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Our wide selection of holidays means that we work with lots of wonderful Tour Leaders. We’d like to introduce you to one of our Golf Tour Leaders, Nick. Here he talks about playing golf in the famous Algarve and what Belek will have in store for us this year. 

Meet our Golf Tour Leader Nick

Hi, I’m Nick and I have lived in Vilamoura, the Algarve since 2009. I first started playing golf as a 10-year-old and really enjoyed it but didn’t start playing properly until I moved to the Algarve and became a member of Laranjal Golf Club. Apart from Laranjalmy three favourite courses are Palmares in the West Algarve, Monte Rei in the Eastern Algarve and Victoria course in Vilamoura – all of which can be used on Solos Holidays! 

As a lot of the Solos Golf customers will agree, for me it is the social side of golf that I really enjoy. Spending four hours on the course and then enjoying the rest of the day talking about every shot – as well as the unlimited number of excuses we golfers come up with to explain why we shot a 98 instead of a 72….   

I did my first trip in September 2015 in Spain andas of March 2020, I had completed nearly 40 golf tours. My two favourite locations are Portugal for the quality of courses and Turkey for both the courses and the unbelievable value for money and quality of the hotels. A lot happens on the course, but my most memorable memories as a Tour Leader would be the activities, we participate in on our days off. These include lots of boat trips, one of which was a small boat flotilla trip around Tavira oyster and mussel beds with a group who will forever be known as the Tavira 13.  

I’m really looking forward to returning to Islantilla and Belek in March. I regularly keep in touch with our agent in Belek, Aysa. who tells me that the hotels and Golf courses are ensuring all precautions are being taken to ensure  you will have both a great and healthy holiday. I can ensure anyone thinking of booking, you are in for a treat!

Hope to see you soon! 

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