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Nadia from our Sales team enjoyed a lovely weekend exploring Bristol last year! She wanted to share her holiday with us, as we’re preparing to head to this beautiful corner of our country in May!

Hello, I’m Nadia, and I don’t know about you, but, I’ve had my hair done this week for the first time in months and I’ve been to my local for my first glass of wine! I’m now thinking about summer, and how much I need a change of scenery form my kitchen! But, picking where to go on your staycation this year seems impossible. A short break to the country side? A city break to a vibrant city? Or a trip to a quaint harbour? I kind of want to do them all! Well, lucky for you, on my weekend break to Bristol last year I got to experience all of this and more!

I absolutely loved Bristol – It’s full of culture, character and has so many different feels to it! I just loved Clifton in general – it’s full of lines of white Georgian townhouses, with boutique shops (that I spent way too much time in!) and streets lined with coffee shops. Plus, so many old pubs with outdoor seating, where I frequently enjoy a drink (or two!) overlooking the Clifton Suspension Bridge – Bristol’s most famous landmark. Not to mention all the leafy parks to enjoy a walk around and an ice cream in the sunshine!

There is so much to do in Bristol, and even more to see. I loved discovering world class street art, including several pieces of work by Banksy. One of his paintings can be found by a really nice old pub called the Orchard Inn. It had such a wide range of ciders & ales and a cosy atmosphere. Some of his newest graffiti art were added last year, but there is also some earlier stuff which your Tour Leader will take you to see on our Solos trip!

If you just want to have a meander, Bristol Harbour is perfect! Enjoy a nice lunch or an afternoon drink whilst looking at the boats in the harbour, or enjoy a stroll admiring the colourful houses. There’s lots of history in Bristol around the quayside and you’ll have plenty of time to visit it and take in the local atmosphere.

There is just something about Bristol that I love – so much so I want to move there! The Clifton Suspension Bridge, the harbour, the cobbled streets, parks, museums, street art, cafes and so much more, all makes Bristol one of the best English cities I’ve visited.

If you’re sick of the four walls of your home, then a short city break to Bristol in the diary will be perfect for you!


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