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After all the walking we’ve been doing in lockdown, we’re actually starting to enjoy it (who’d have thought!), but we’re now in desperate need of a change of scenery from our local park! And one thing we know for sure – walking is fundamentally the best way to explore new places! If you’re unsure whether a walking holiday is for you, then read all about our top reasons for joining us this year!

We sometimes don’t even want to consider a walking holiday, because we’re often worried that we don’t have the ‘gear’, or we don’t want to walk tough trails. However, a walking holiday doesn’t just have to be up in the mountains. We love a relaxed stroll along the coast, exploring beaches and towns, and of course meandering through the countryside. From the Canary Islands to Greece and even right here in the UK, we’re heading on plenty of different walking holidays that we’re sure will have you lacing up those hiking boots again!

Our Top Reasons for joining us on a Walking Holiday:

1. It’s good for you!

We all know that walking is good for us, but after a year of being stuck inside we could all do with some well-needed and old-fashioned fresh air!

2. There are trails to suit everyone!

Whether you want to casually stroll through the vineyards of Italy or you’re up for hiking the lakes and mountains in Slovenia – we have walking holidays for all. So, you don’t need to worry – everything can be at your own pace.

3. You’ll get to experience more!

As we’ve already said, exploring places on foot is the best way of seeing the world – and we need to see as much as we can to make up for lost time over the past year!

4. And of course, the post-walk pint of beer or glass of wine (or two!)

It’s always great to celebrate the achievement of finishing a walk and talking about everything you got up to with fellow solos hikers over some drinks in a local pub or restaurant!

Still undecided if this type of holiday is for you? To try and convince you, we spoke to our wonderful walking Tour Leader Phil to get all the behind-the-scenes gossip from our walking holidays.

“Hello everyone, I’m Phil & I’ve been a Tour Leader since 2008! Much has happened in the last year, but one thing has stayed the same – the enjoyment that this job brings! Of course, it’s not without its challenges, but the places seen, the things done & the frequent laughs (so many of those!) are such fond memories.

I’ve led many Solos walking tours – in some ways, they are my favourite! It’s just lovely to be out & about, seeing sights not seen from the road, getting some exercise and having the opportunity to chat and laugh with all members of the group. In my opinion, walking holidays are really sociable and the shared experience is a real plus!

My last tour was ‘Walking in Gran Canaria’ just before Lockdown (brilliant group – so many great laughs!) & little did I think that trip was going to be my last for 6 months (& counting). I remember the sun shining, the Atlantic Ocean shimmering, people gathering & not a mask in sight!

Most of my walking memories are almost exclusively fond ones and it’s unfair to pick out one as a favourite. That said, La Gomera stands out as a trip to remember. It’s one of the less well-known Canary Islands but it’s hidden treasure. The views are amazing and to have Gilles (Our knowledgeable walking guide in The Canaries) made it all the better.

It has to be said though, that a cold post-walk beer is one of life’s delights and I think I’ve missed that the most – ha! A walk shared is usually a walk enhanced and I’m so looking forward to my next one and I can’t wait to see you all there – it’s been a while…”

If we’ve been able to convince you that a walking holiday might not be as scary as you first thought, why not take a look at all of our walking holidays here or you can always call us for a chat!

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Our Reviews

“I’m sure you will enjoy it, I have been on three solos holidays to date and the people I’ve met have been great.”

“I’ve been travelling with Solos for nearly 20 years, on and off. The reason is for exactly what you want – you meet like minded people… and have loads of fun!”

“I’ve been on loads of trips with Solos over the years and can honestly say you will not regret booking your 1st one!”

“The feeling you have once you go away on your own is worth all the nerves before! I was so very anxious the first time but now having done it 4 times, I love it!”


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